16 January 2008

16 January 2008 - You must have something better to do

Everyone’s returned to campus, and student activities are starting up again, including Harvard Law School’s Justice For Palestine group. The first three events they’re promoting in 2008 are: an exhibition comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa; a lecture called “Overcoming Zionism”; and a presentation by France 2’s Charles Enderlin, father of the Al-Dura propaganda debacle.

It seems to me that most Pro-Palestinian groups in the Diaspora are completely obsessed with hatred of Israel to the near-exclusion of any sort of positive emphasis on, or contribution towards, Palestinian nation-building. There are zealous pro-Israel groups, too, but most at least focus on achieving something positive or constructive for the cause they represent.

Aren’t there better things to do for Palestine than organize anti-Israel hate-fests?


At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like a discussion of the Hamas-Fatah power struggle? Or a rally denouncing Arab-on-Arab violence? Or ... here's an original thought ... launching a new Palestinian political party grounded in principles of international human rights and religious tolerance?

At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like an honest discussion of the bloody Hamaz-Fatah power struggle? Or a rally denouncing Arab-on-Arab violence? Or ... here's an original thought ... laying the foundation for a Palestinian political party grounded in international human rights and religious tolerance?

Ah, but that might cause internal tensions, and why go there when Israel is such a convenient common enemy. Time enough to deal with these inconvenient truths once Israel is no more.

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is that there is nothing positive about palestinian society to discuss.


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