03 April 2008

03 April 2008 - Jew-hatred at Harvard: Stop this vicious lie!

Harvard's Arab and Islamic student groups have been circulating an article that claims that "a number of prominent rabbis in Israel" have issued a "ruling" calling on Jews to kill all Palestinians.

This article is a vicious lie whose sole purpose is to incite hatred of Jews.

It takes advantage of the deep hatred of Jews that already exists in the Arab and Islamic world, even among people who should know better--which is why some Arab and Muslim students at Harvard are apparently falling for this forgery and assisting it.

The story is being circulated throughout the Arab media and on Arabic news blogs such as The Angry Arab (click here for the full Google translation).

The forgery violently distorts a story that ran in Ha'aretz on March 26, 2008.

The Ha'aretz article describes the Jewish concept of Amalek, and how the Biblical commandment to erase Amalek does not apply today.

The reason Amalek came up at all in some congregations is that Jews worldwide recently celebrated the holiday of Purim, which commemorates the survival of Persian Jewry in the face of an attempt by a minister named Haman, who is sometimes described as a descendant of Amalek, to exterminate them. Amalek is described in Deuteronomy 25:17-19 as a nation that targeted the innocent and vulnerable among the people of Israel. In the wake of the recent terrorist attack at the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva, the image of Amalek was particularly potent for some, particularly religious, Jews.

However, not one single rabbi called for Jews to kill Arabs, nor issued any remotely similar ruling.

In fact, as the Ha'aretz article makes clear, those rabbis who saw fit to address the subject told their congregations that while Israel still has enemies, the Bible's injunction regarding Amalek is forbidden today. It is forbidden by the Oral Law as recorded in the Talmud and other sources, according to the rabbis, because Jewish law forbids intentionally killing innocent people even if they are among enemies as vicious as the Amalekites were. The rabbis also explicitly noted that Amalek does not even exist today as a specific group or nation, but that Amalek's memory is evoked by those particular murderous individuals who deliberately kill innocent children in their schools and in their homes.

Every single quote in the Ha'aretz article has been twisted deliberately and maliciously by the authors of the forgery. If any rabbi had said anything remotely close to what the Arab media is claiming these rabbis said, the story would be all over the Israeli and Jewish media, the rabbis would have been forced by their congregations to resign, and the police would have laid charges of incitement. Under Israeli law it is forbidden to call for anyone's murder, and political parties that advocate racism or incite hatred are banned.

Harvard's Arab and Islamic student groups must immediately stop circulating this terrible, hateful lie.

-Julia Bertelsmann and Joel Pollak


At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I look forward to the Secretary General of the UN to roundly condemn this lie.
(sound of crickets chirping)

Also, I note that there is no feedback portal (or even email address) to address the article and press release by the Moron who issued the press release.
Funny about that.

At 3:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to recent Ha'aretz articles both the chief rabbi of Safed, Shmuel Eliyahu, and the chairman of the Yesha Settler Rabbinical Council, Dov Lior, have called for retaliatory violence against Arab civilian populations. Lior and other extremist rabbis have even reportedly issued halakhic rulings justifying such violence.

At 3:26 AM, Blogger Joel said...

Sorry, anonymous, you're going to have to prove what you allege--at least on this blog. I can find plenty of objectionable rulings by Dov Lior but not a single call for violence. You claim newspaper articles as references? Let's see the links.

At 7:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It reminds me of the Ouze Merham canard (the one that had Ariel Sharon ordering te rape of women and murder of all Palestinian children) that was circulated by Arab students at Georgetown and Madison. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouze_Merham

At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk about a classic example of turnspeak. Muslim preachers preach death to Jews all the time.

At 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Angry Arab is not an "Arabic news blog". It is an English language blog and the article he linked to was from Haaretz. A commenter posted the Arabic article.

Which of Harvard's Arab and Islamic student groups have been circulating this article? Who is assisting it?

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Bald Headed Geek said...

It's garden variety anti-Semitism of the kind that's all too common these days. I wonder if the United Nations Human Rights Commission will issue a proclamation decrying this "Judeophobia"?

Yes, I'm kidding......


At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought people going to Harvaqrd were somehow smarter than others.

At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



As for Dave's comment, I mentioned Arab civilian populations without reference to whether they were Muslim or Christian. In addition, you seem to infer that two wrongs make a right in a classic, "they do it, so we can do it" construction.

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tsfat's Rabbi Elyahu

Exact revenge of Arabs


"היום שכחו מה זה "כוח התרעה" כותב הרב אליהו, "אבד כוח התרעה של צה"ל. של החיילים. זורקים עליהם אבנים בלי חשש. כל מתאבד הוא שהיד. כל רוצח יהודים מביא כבוד מלכים למשפחתו. מדינה שבאמת איכפת לה מחיי אזרחיה הייתה צריכה לתלות את עשרת בניו של המחבל על עץ גבוה חמישים אמה, שכולם יראה וייראו".
"צריך לקרוא לילד בשמו. נקמה, נקמה, נקמה. אסור לשכוח. צריך לעשות נקמה איומה על הפיגוע בישיבת מרכז הרב. אני לא מדבר על אנשים פרטיים. אני מדבר על המדינה. היא צריכה להכאיב להם עד שיצעקו "די", שישתטחו על הארץ ויצעקו "הצילו". לא בשביל סיפוק יצר הנקמה, אלא בשביל ההרתעה. צריך לעשות נקמה כל כך כואבת עד שיצרב בנפשם של כל אויבינו ושונאינו שדם יהודי יקר מזהב ומפז. צריך נקמה. צריך נקמה שתהדהד בעולם כולו.

Rabbi Elyiahu calls for revenge against Arabs


At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"not one single rabbi called for Jews to kill Arabs, nor issued any remotely similar ruling."

What is this rabbi doing? Is this not, for all intents and purposes calling for violence against Arabs? It sounds remotely similar to calling for killing Arabs.


היום שכחו מה זה "כוח התרעה" כותב הרב אליהו, "אבד כוח התרעה של צה"ל. של החיילים. זורקים עליהם אבנים בלי חשש. כל מתאבד הוא שהיד. כל רוצח יהודים מביא כבוד מלכים למשפחתו. מדינה שבאמת איכפת לה מחיי אזרחיה הייתה צריכה לתלות את עשרת בניו של המחבל על עץ גבוה חמישים אמה, שכולם יראה וייראו".
"צריך לקרוא לילד בשמו. נקמה, נקמה, נקמה. אסור לשכוח. צריך לעשות נקמה איומה על הפיגוע בישיבת מרכז הרב. אני לא מדבר על אנשים פרטיים. אני מדבר על המדינה. היא צריכה להכאיב להם עד שיצעקו "די", שישתטחו על הארץ ויצעקו "הצילו". לא בשביל סיפוק יצר הנקמה, אלא בשביל ההרתעה. צריך לעשות נקמה כל כך כואבת עד שיצרב בנפשם של כל אויבינו ושונאינו שדם יהודי יקר מזהב ומפז. צריך נקמה. צריך נקמה שתהדהד בעולם כולו.



At 6:44 PM, Blogger Joel said...

Nouri and anonymous,

The rabbi's comments, as reported in the Hebrew link you cite, have no resemblance whatsoever to the comments as reported in the Arab media. Your choice of words--"remotely similar"--suggests that you yourself are aware of how different these two texts actually are.

At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

שבאמת איכפת לה מחיי אזרחיה הייתה צריכה לתלות את עשרת בניו של המחבל על עץ גבוה חמישים אמה, שכולם יראה וייראו".

"A state that really cares about the life of its citizens needs to hang the terrorist's ten sons on a high tree [sic] fifty mother so all can see and show."

Rabbi Shmuel Elyiahu


At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Calls for Revenge after Massacre in Merkaz HaRav


Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Rabbi of Tzfas, publicized an article in the SOS-Israel's pamphlet "Eretz Yisroel Shelanu", stating that that revenge on the Arabs after the Merkaz HaRav massacre is imperative.
"We have forgotten what "strength of warning" is. Tzahal has lost its' "strength of warning". They pelt stones on soldiers without a drop of fear. Every suicide bomber is a "shahid". Each murderer of Jews brings great honor to his family. A country that really cares about the lives of its' citizens must hang the ten sons of the terrorist on a tall tree 50 cubits high, so that all can see and be afraid.
We must call a spade a spade. Revenge, revenge, revenge! We must not forget. We must take revenge for the terrible attack on Yeshivas Merkaz HaRav. I don't mean the individual. I am referring to the government. The government must inflict so much pain on them that they scream out: STOP! So much pain that they lay on the ground and scream for help! Not to satisfy the urge for revenge, but to warn them. They have to hurt so much that it will be seared in their souls that Jewish blood is costly and dear. There must be revenge; a revenge that will echo across the entire world.
I see all those "noble souls" clucking their tongues, shifting uncomfortably in their seats. Their faces contorted while reading this seemingly barbaric article. I can hear their reaction: "barbaric", "immoral", Rabbi", "inciter", and other uncouth words that they are wont to use. Don't pay attention to them. If we take them seriously, we won't be around in thirty years from now. Their children already have foreign passports. We will remain here. We have to live with those that understand the language of revenge.
The Lefistst are not those who decide what is moral and what is not. Hashem is the One who decides, and He said to take revenge on the Goyim. It was He who brought Pharaoh and his army to the Yam Suf (the Reed Sea) and drowned them, not to save the Jews from Egypt but rather to take revenge on them. He drowned them so that "Terror and dread falleth upon them";so that the residents of Canaan should be "still as a stone".


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